My Father’s Heart Status

The Father’s heart is always about giving and we should be thankful for that. In one instance, I remembered how He made way for me to get the job.

I always want to be a writer. Since I was in my sophomore year in College, I wanted to do film scripts and to narrate story in my own writing style. I was frustrated since then because I pursued a career that I was not so passionate about. However, God still gave me the opportunity to use my role as a teacher to help and to allow my students build their confidence in writing stories, different kinds of poem and telling their unique story in their own writing style. God used me as an instrument for them to develop their skills and love in writing.

It was November 2021 when God stirred up my heart to write again, that urged me to submit my application letter to a Christian Network. It was really my heart’s desire to write for His glory and to tell stories of God’s faithfulness ever since then.

Few months later, I was on my seat and declared to Him my heart’s desire of pursuing my dream of being a writer. It was an intimate moment between me and my Father. Tears fell down as I sat beside my Father on his chair and I remembered that long comforting Presence of his embrace after hearing the true desire of her beloved child. Again, the Father’s heart is always to give. It was the first week of February as far as I remember. Weeks after, I was preparing some documents for job application in public school. I did not know what to do but I received a word from God and kept it on my prayer list. He gave me the word, “progress” for my career, which was very difficult to believe in because I felt stagnant in my career in that season.

But when God released a word, He is very sure for that and He will surely, surely manifest it.

“Okay, Lord. Prog…ress.” I obediently wrote down. “This was your promise, so I’ll keep this. I’ll pray about this.”

After that week, He told me something in my devotion I would never forget. “Someone will call you today. Do you know who is she?” Twice He mentioned that to me and it left me odd. After lunch, I rested and felt sleepy so I slept. At afternoon, I woke up and I realized I had a long sleep. My phone was there beside me and cherished my Father’s promise that someone would call me that day. As I was asking Him who it would be, my phone was ringing. I answered it nicely and the woman on the other line introduced herself as an HR of the Christian Network where I applied in the month of November last year. It was a quick but peaceful conversation and I was just smiling throughout the phone call.

“I know You did this, Father God! This is Your will.” I smiled.

The next day I had my initial interview and throughout that week, I finished my first three interviews with gladness and with peace in my heart. I never doubt His promise and surely He will give me this job, I thought. Days later, before my final interview, there was a requirement in entering a building. Was it only me who didn’t have vaccination card yet? So to make the story short, it was delayed twice and the last time it was delayed, the HR told me that my application will be ceased and they would look for another person for that dreamt position as a content writer. My heart grew sad as I let go of this opportunity. Days after, I felt I was moving on and told God in my personal prayer: thanking Him for closing that door and asking Him to give me new doors that day. Later on while sitting alone in a room, I felt it was my angel who forced me to dispatch him. So, I called out my angel instantly and told him to reopen the doors the enemy has closed for me.

It was night time, I was having my Victory Group when a message suddenly came out in my phone. When I opened the message, my second interviewer told me that the job position was still available. I smiled and I knew that My Heavenly Father’s heart for His extraordinary children will always to give and to give and He will surely make ways when there’s seem no way. Weeks after, God gave me the job and I received it with expectant heart, with child-like faith and with gratefulness to my Father’s awesome ways and delightful timing.

My Father has never forgotten me and His promises. When we told Him what we really wanted to, He will acknowledge that heart’s desire of ours. He would never push us way or discourage us as we go to His Presence with a pure humble heart. Even if I experienced those delays, my Father is still mindful to bless me and faithful to fulfill His promises. He will surely do the very things He heard us said to Him. It seemed impossible to make a progress in my career, but His heart never changes. It’s always say, “give, give, give”. He will surely never with hold no good thing from us, because His ultimate heart status is always for His children.

I believe it was God the Father who placed that desire in my heart and He was just very, very, very faithful and so, so, so good that whatever His children wants, He acknowledges. He does not only know what’s best for us, but He also wants His faithful children to go to Him and earnestly ask Him with expectant heart. If we just know what is in our Father’s heart, we will love how He will make things possible for us whatever we asked for, no matter how impossible they seem.

“Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 HCSB

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